First off, thank you to everyone who signed up for a time. Without everyone pulling together we couldn't have made it 24 hours, but we made 26.
I just want to take a moment to explain what a prayer chain is. I didn't realize so many people had never heard of this. Think of a chain, where one link flows into the next link. They are interlocking and never break. On a prayer chain, one person starts and the next person takes over at their designated time, that way the prayer is interwoven and never breaks.
Everyone is saying that it doesn't matter if we run a prayer chain or not because they are praying at all hours of the day. However, I doubt that anyone is praying a complete 24 hours without stop. It is impossible for one person to do this. You might say a prayer 6 times a day, but there is a break. I didn't come up with this on a whim. I grew up in church, using prayer chains. My family never once asked what it was, and even though they live in Indiana and have never met Devon, they called and gave me names and times. They knew exactly what to do. I'm saying this to say that it wasn't a whim or a means to get face time on Devon's site. God put this in my heart. God asked me to start this. Devon had had two rough nights in a row. Nights, when people sleep and no one is praying save the night owls. God asked me to build this.
Before you balk at the idea and shove it off, I want you to know that it doesn't hurt my feelings. I didn't want to do it in the first place. It is a lot of work and everyone is praying right?
God said do it!
So I did it.
I don't like the limelight. I hate it. I'm the shy one in the back. I'm the one who prays in my closet so that no one may see. I don't spread my works or deeds in people's face and seek attention.
God give to each his child gifts and talents. Mine is intercessory prayer. Nothing I do is by my hand, but by God's alone. He is the King. He is Lord. He works all things great and small. When you intercede, you allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you. Don't think for one minute that Satan doesn't want to steal Devon's testimony. When our backs are turn, Satan will sneak in. When the church is not praying, Satan will nudge his way in.
I'm not making any of this up. Go back and look at the updates on Devon. When the people prayed sporadically, his ICPs were all over the place and medicine was given all over the place. A good report, a bad report. When we were sure that prayer was covered 100% of the time, his ICPs leveled and medicines have been given in regular intervals.
The prayer chain started at 5pm Sunday. Read the 5pm report. Devon's ICPs rose, even when medicine was given it went higher. At 5:15 I was in the prayer room on the 1st floor of the hospital taking my first prayer time. No one had signed up by that time for the blocks of 5;15-6:45. So I took them all. I will tell you that I was in a fight with Satan in that room. Satan wanted Devon's life, yet God told me to pray that Satan would take his hands off of Devon. I knew I needed help from other Saints and I asked God to send more people to fight. When I stopped to get my breath at 6, I saw that three other people had signed up. One at 5:30, 5:45 and 6. After that time his medicines began to level out.
Sporadic prayer, sporadic medicine.
Continuous prayer, level medicines.
Don't for one minute think I want glory from this. I want to win the battle in Jesus' name. And believe me, it is a battle. It is a spiritual battle for this boy's life. It's not a two second feel good, get the juicy update, and give a feel good line of "I'm praying for him" and then go on your merry way.
God put this boy in my path Saturday night. This boy sat in my living room and God put a heavy hand on my heart that night. I sat and listened to his voice and I was drawn to it. There was something about him. And my mind wondered to my nephew who had died in 2008 in a car crash. God put that boy in my life and he wants to win the battle. But it will be through a fight on our knees in war with the father of lies who is telling you and everyone else that continuous prayer is not needed.
I said before it didn't hurt my feelings. But at 6 pm when the chain was breaking, the Holy Spirit came over me and He cried. He wepted until I was exhuasted and then I fell asleep about 7 with the Spirit broken.
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