Sunday, November 21, 2010

Volunteers Needed!

I'm looking for volunteers for the prayer chain for Devon. I would like to start this today. You can ask to be put on the list for 15 minutes or as long as you would like. I want to have this covered for at least 24 hours. Who is with me?


  1. I will keep Devon in my daily prayers until he is healed. Please keep us posted on how he's doing and know that he is being prayed over.

    In His Service,
    Elaine Stuessi

  2. I know I dont know this child, but I feel that I do from all my niece (Jessica) and sister has said. He sounds like a wonderful child and he has been in our prayer alot, and prayers for his family. Keep trusting in God!

    Ronda Wade, Boonville, Indiana
